Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Summary Statement


The logical way of doing this would be to write about what I have done and then what I am going to do in order to be where I want to be.

This year I think that I have got a much better grasp of the specific design world I want to be in.  I was worried for a while that I didn't know the names of typefaces properly or typographers, but then I realised that's not relevant to what I should know.  Yes it would be helpful to know and I hope one day that I will be more informed, but right now it's about illustration and image related design.  I know a lot more about my competitors, events and agencies and feel as though I have lots more places that I am aiming to be rather than one specific one that might not be very good anyway!

This module I have sent out numerous mail outs from book portfolios, frames and postcards, to countless emails and submissions.  I have plans in my head of other ways to contact the agencies and once I am in the right location I intend to do a lot more portfolio visits.  I have also began to get more confident of sending my work out the company I based the brief around.  Although not very financially beneficial I think this is great way to start a dialogue at least.  

My placement at Hallmark really opened my eyes to the fact of how image is sought after and profitable.  I felt great comfort in the hight demand for it.  It also made me realise how I like the client dialogue.  Hallmark was very much about walking in doing your thing and its either bought or not, but I want  a bit more of a challenge for now and the ability to work on other formats.

Competitions have also been a great turning point for me this module.  Winning a space in Secret 7 in London as well as being a nominee (pending winner) and being in the exhibition in London for the Serco Prize for Illustration is a real confidence booster.  

Intend to do a lot more competitions on leaving.  Its a great way to keep refreshing your design skills with short briefs to keep you ticking over.  It also gives great networking opportunities and bulks up the CV.

My ambitions now I very much about finding an agency to represent me.  I don't expect this to happen immediately so Freelance is/will have to be an option but I like the thought of not having to think so much about finding work-and get given commissions instead from someone who specifially likes your work from others in the same agency and doing different projects all the time.  I will try it for a while as I don't know if I am quite the standard to be in an agency yet but I intend on being more forceful and experimental with the way I contact perspective agencies.  Portfolio visits will be a frequent thing as well as contacting more agencies abroad.  Not to mention being in the right place at the right time! 

If nothing comes along after a while, if I can find finance and the right print resources I'd like to start a small business of wall paper and perhaps soft furnishings, but we will see!

Thanks PPD, I don't know if my foot is quite in the door just yet, but I know exactly what that door looks like. 

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